Happy Pink Saturday Again!!!!!!!!!

Last Saturday was really a Happy
Pink Saturday!!!! I thank all who visited my blog, it's fantastic to share with you all. Today post most of my work I hope you like it. And besides I invite you to visit my sister's blog http://www.jacaranda-artesanias.blogspot.com/ it was she who introduce me to this fantastic experience.. If you want to know more about Pink Saturday visit Beverly's blog http://www.howsweetthesound.typepad.com/.

12 comentarios:

  1. Very lovely items. My mother-in-law would love the last one. Her name is Lola. :-D Thank you so much for sharing. Have a very pink day.


  2. they look very pretty in pink...happy pink saturday

  3. Lovely pink boxes and holders! The LOLA sign is so pretty! HAPPY PINK SATURDAY! Have a great weekend!

  4. All your pink creations are very nice. Thank you you for making us aware of these great items.

  5. I always enjoy seeing someone elses work, great job too. Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  6. You are very talented! Such pretty pink creations. Happy Pink Saturday!

  7. So pretty!

    Happy Pink Saturday and nice weekend.

  8. Muy lindos tus trabajos, me gusta mucho los organizadores.
    Happy Pink Saturday!!!

  9. I love your pink creations. Thanks for sharing them with us. I hope you are having a wonderful Pink Saturday.

  10. Lovely Pink Saturday post and sweet blog, too. Woke up to a dusting of snow on the ground so even thought this isn't Saturday I really needed a boost!

    Sorry, I didn't get to see everyone yesterday. I had important business. My 11 year-old grandson was playing football and he wanted Mimi to go to the out-of-town-last-of-the-season-game. THEY WON AGAINST AN UNDEFEATED TEAM! WOO-HOO! 35 - 17☺

    Hope the coming week blesses you with sunshine, happiness and good friends.


Gracias por visitarnos!!!! ♥