Pink Spring Time


Mi aporte de esta semana son estas Macetitas Perfumero que realice para souvenir del cumpleaños de Jazmin.
Feliz SABADO ROSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Para las que quieran participar visiten el blog de Beverly  hasta el proximo Sabado.

My contribution this week are this perfume flowerpots that make for Jasmine's birthday souvenir.

                                    Happy PINK SATURDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                             For those who want to participate visit Beverly .
                                                  See you next Saturday.

11 comentarios:

  1. Ohhhhh, your flowerpot perfumes are absolutely beautiful. I just love them. Happy Pink Saturday..have a lovely weekend.

  2. What a neat idea! They look so pretty! Happy Pink Saturday!

  3. They must smell so sweet. What a different idea.
    Joyce M

  4. I love the colors and the textures, Happy PInk Saturday, Char

  5. Happy Pink Saturday!
    I so love the flower pot designs. They are absolutely precious. I thank you for sharing them with us today. The pinks are just beautiful. I have signed up to follow your blog. I can't wait to see what you share next with us. Have a wonderful Pink Saturday. Please stop by and say hello. I would be so honored to have you follow my blog as well.

    Happy Halloween. Country hugs, Sherry

  6. I love the pinks you found to share with us today. I hope you had a wonderful Pink Saturday.

  7. happy PS! all i can say.. pinkyummylicious!!! love the cakes!

  8. Muy lindas!!! Happy Pink Saturday!!!

  9. Aaawww how cute are those blooms in the pot. I like it very much!



Gracias por visitarnos!!!! ♥